Top 12 Places You're Not Allowed To Visit

These 12 places are strictly off limits to your, or anyone else’s physical presence or curious eyes for that matter. Lonely Planet and Frommer’s did not publish a guide to these spots. Top secret stuff. Makes it ridiculously interesting, right?

The Coca Cola Recipe Vault

The Coca Cola Recipe Vault
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The Real Thing is locked away out of sight to the general public in a purpose-built vault in Atlanta, Georgia. In December 2011, the recipe was retrieved from its original vault at SunTrust Bank and transferred to its new home, a high-security vault at the company’s World of Coca- Cola exhibition. No one knows for sure if the recipe is scribbled on a simple scrap of paper or in John Pemberton’s favorite recipe book but it is stored in a metal box, which is housed inside a two-meter (6.6-ft) high steel vault. This vault is never opened and is protected by a barrier that keeps it away from the viewing public. The area is kept protected by armed guards, the door can only be opened through a keypad and a hand-imprint scanner. So curious! 

RAF Menwith Hill

RAF Menwith Hill
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This British military base located near Harrogate, North Yorkshire, is the largest electronic monitoring station in the world and it was originally designed to monitor communications going in or coming out of the now defunct Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries. Today its facilities are being put to other uses. Its mission is to provide intelligence support for the U.S., the U.K. and “allied interests,”. However, there is evidence that it has been involved in drone attacks, industrial espionage, wide-scale espionage on the general worldwide population through ECHELON, etc.. Spooky! 

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