The 12 Creepiest Creatures Found Deep In The Ocean

Deep Sea Dragonfish (Grammatostomias Flagellibarba)

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This one is also know as the scaleless dragonfish, a savage predator. Yes, you read correctly.   This creature lives in deep ocean waters at depths of up to 5,000 feet. Even though it is a tiny fish which measures 6 inches, it has a large head and its mouth is equipped with many sharp fang-like teeth. The Dragonfish has a long protrusion known as a barbel attached to its chin. It can also produce its own light via bioluminescence process. This helps the Dragonfish to lure prey and attract potential mates.

Squat Lobsters

Squat Lobsters
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This peculiar lobster was discovered, along with the polychaete worm. However, the squat lobster was found even deeper. These lobsters can live 5, 000 meters deep. You’ll distinguish them from their big front claws as well as their compressed bodies. The squat lobsters may be algal grazers, predators, scavengers, or detritus-feeders. Yes, they’re very versatile!

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