8 Fascinating Things You Didn't Know About Harry Potter

The Harry Potter franchise is one of the most successful series of books and movies in the history of time. Yet we continue to find things we still didn't know about its creation. We collected 8 fascinating facts about Harry Potter that you might have missed until now. We guarantee that the last one is going to make hardcore fans of Harry Potter extremely excited!

The One Who Must Not Be Named Got His Name From a Real Life Tombstone

The One Who Must Not Be Named Got His Name From a Real Life Tombstone
Image Source: screenrant.com

Did you know that some of the names from Harry Potter universe have been borrowed from real life landmarks? Apparently McGonagall and Tom Riddle comes from two tombstones in Edinburgh's cemetery belonging to “Thomas Riddell” and “William McGonagall.” Maybe Rowling enjoyed lurking in the graveyard and drawing inspiration from spooky surroundings? Who knows. To this day fans continue to flock to the graves to leave tributes of flowers and notes.

Nearly Headless Nick Nearly Had a Musical Moment in the Movie

Nearly Headless Nick Nearly Had a Musical Moment in the Movie
Image Source: screenrant.com

The creators of Harry Potter movies deprived us of what could have been an amusing musical number. Remember the Death party organized by Nearly Headless Nick who was celebrating 500th anniversary of his botched execution? Well, there was meant to be a ballad telling us al about how Nick died. The scene should have been in the movie but apparently it wasn't central to the plot and movie creators decided to not include it.

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